Do you love magic? I certainly do! I've never taken the time for a serious study of it or tried to learn a trick well enough to perform before an audience, but I love to watch it. And I think I understand the basic principles involved fairly well. What does this have to do with gardening? One word, misdirection; you see the lemon cucumbers in the photo aren't produce I forgot to harvest, they're decoys. We have a couple of squirrels in the neighborhood and this is the time of year they start eating anything and everything they can get their hands on in order to put on weight for the winter. Now I don't want them munching on my tomatoes, which are still coming into their own. So I'm hoping the cucumbers will be enough of a distraction to keep the little critters busy and well fed and my tomatoes off their menu. So far it seems to be working.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Maybe Next Year
It seems that beautiful blossoms are all that my pepino melon plants will be offering this year. I knew they had a long growing time, but the hot dry summer slowed them down even more. So I guess this exotic fruit won't be on my menu until next season.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Fall Planting
For the first time I am trying some fall gardening with Tom Thumb lettuce. Its small size and quick rate of maturation should result in one or two good harvests before the first hard frost comes near the end of October.
fall garden,
Tom Thumb lettuce
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Life's Simple Pleasures
- Pre-made pizza crust - $2.00
- mozzarella cheese - $1.25
- 1 can pizza sauce - $0.68
- several shakes of black pepper - mere pennies
- garlic, fresh basil and fresh tomatoes - gifts from the garden
- the joy of eating hot tomato pizza straight from the oven - Priceless
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Saga of the Siamese Twin Tomatillo Plants
Although you can't tell from the photos, these two pineapple tomatillo plants have cojoined root systems. They sprouted so close together in a small yogurt cup that it was impossible to remove one without effecting the other. So I let them grow for a while and then transplanted them and hoped for the best. Things turned out quite well don't you think?
ground cherry,
pineapple tomatillo
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Frugal Feast Soup
a way to eat well without busting your budget.
- 1 chicken leg quarter (thigh with drumstick attached)
- a half a cup of sliced onion
- a small bunch of green onions, thinly sliced
- 3 celery ribs, split down the middle and chopped
- 1 small bell pepper or 2 medium banana peppers, seeded and chopped
- 2-3 jalapeño peppers, seeded and chopped*
- 1 tablespoon minced garlic
- 3 - 14 oz. cans of chicken broth
- 2 cups of frozen mixed vegetables
- a half cup of long grain brown rice(not instant)
- one and a half teaspoons of Italian seasoning
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil of your choice( olive, corn, etc.)
best to use disposable plastic or latex gloves when handling and
slicing jalapeños. Discard them when the slicing and dicing is done
being careful not to put your bare hand on the outside of either
glove when removing them.
- In a 3-4 quart pot saute the sliced onion for about two minutes over medium high heat.
- Add the green onions, celery, pepper, jalapeños and garlic and saute for about 3 minutes more.
- Add the chicken broth, frozen vegetables, brown rice and Italian seasoning and stir them together.
- Remove the skin from the chicken and place the leg quarter in the pot.
- Cover the pot and bring the contents to a boil.
- Once the contents have reached a boil, lower the heat to simmer level and leave to simmer for two hours.
- Using a slotted spoon or spatula, carefully remove the chicken from the pot to a bowl or other suitable dish. Then separate the meat from the bones using a knife and fork. Be Careful! The chicken will be quite hot.
- Return the meat to the soup pot, stir and then simmer for about ten more minutes.
- Season to taste and enjoy!As you might imagine, there are an almost infinite number of possible variations of this recipe. During the growing season, I substitute fresh vegetables from the garden such as summer squash for one or both cups of the frozen vegetables. It can also be made with two chicken leg quarters instead of one.
And if you're looking for a use for the remaining meat on the rotisserie chicken that's sitting in the refrigerator, you can slice/shave off as much as you like and stir it in after the soup has simmered fortwo hours.
I have never found it necessary to add salt to this soup. Though your taste buds may tell you otherwise.
If you want to simplify preparation, try leaving out the celery, sweet pepper and green onions. At the end you can season with a couple of teaspoons of a non-salt spice blend.
It's all up to your taste buds and imagination. Cooking is after all an art. And art is in the eye, or in this case, taste buds of the beholder. Don't be afraid to experiment.
A heavy crusted, chewy bread goes well with this soup and really completes the meal. Bon appetit!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Grow A Row For Someone You Don't Know
I don't have "Oprah money" and probably never will(sigh). But that does not mean I can't do my part, however small, to make things a little better. So every year I donate some of my agricultural success to a local enterprise that works to make sure there are fewer hungry people in the area. There are food deserts and people in need of fresh produce all over the U.S. It shouldn't be too hard to find some food bank, charitable organization, or individual(s) that would benefit from a share of your abundance. And should you start to think that what you have to share isn't enough to make a difference, you would do well to remember the words of Mother Teresa,
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Disgarded To Delicious
Friday, September 21, 2012
Abundance From The Abandoned
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Garbage Can Planter September 2012 |
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Garbage Can Planter June 2012 |
It was big, blue and busted with a long crack running along the bottom. Someone had discarded it as useless garbage, but I knew it would make a perfect planter. After a thorough scrubbing I lined it with a plastic trash bag that had holes cut in the bottom for drainage. Then I filled it with potting soil and compost; planted, watered and waited. The rest, as they say, is history.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Poor Man's Raised Bed
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Pepper Patch September 2012 |
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Pepper Patch June 2012 |
This is my pepper patch for this year. I would call it a raised bed except for the fact that I don't think the frame is quite as high as the ones you would purchase in a store. In fact, it's only eight inches high. It is the inside frame from the bottom of a piece of furniture that was at the end of its life. So I thought I would repurpose some of it. As you can see, it may be near the end of its life as the wind, rain and sun have certainly taken their toll and caused one side of the frame to collapse. This didn't have any effect on the peppers though. The jalapeños, pizza and sweet pepper plants are all doing just fine. And the hot, dry summer has given the jalapeños an extra kick that makes them extra delicious.
pizza pepper,
raised bed,
sweet pepper
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
We Need More Spoiled Americans
Have you ever taken a tomato that
slipped into your palm with the slightest of tugs and eaten it,
straight from the vine, at the peak of its glorious ripeness while
it was still warm from the sun? Have you ever grown a melon that was
so outlandishly sweet that people accused you of sprinkling sugar on it before you served it to them? Have you ever sliced into freshly
harvested onions that were so powerfully pungent and juicy it was
hard to believe that they were only half the size of their store
bought counterparts? Have you ever tasted the natural sweetness of
carrots pulled from the ground only minutes before, reveled in their
magnificent aroma as you grated them and then savored them in a
freshly baked carrot cake? If you have never done any of these
things, you don't know what you're missing. You need to join those of
us who have. You need to become a spoiled American.
Indeed you will become a spoiled American once you have tried any of the things mentioned above. You will realize that what you have been getting from the local supermarket is nothing but the pale imitation of what produce is supposed to look like and taste like. And you will be loathe to ever settle for such fare again. So I invite you to join us in our spoiled ways. You don't need an acre of land or a green thumb. Got a south facing window? Grow some herbs. Got a balcony or patio that gets plenty of sun? Grow some peppers and other container vegetables. And after you have spoiled yourself, spoil a few friends. They'll thank you for it.
Indeed you will become a spoiled American once you have tried any of the things mentioned above. You will realize that what you have been getting from the local supermarket is nothing but the pale imitation of what produce is supposed to look like and taste like. And you will be loathe to ever settle for such fare again. So I invite you to join us in our spoiled ways. You don't need an acre of land or a green thumb. Got a south facing window? Grow some herbs. Got a balcony or patio that gets plenty of sun? Grow some peppers and other container vegetables. And after you have spoiled yourself, spoil a few friends. They'll thank you for it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Are You Ready To Tumble?
Tumbling Tom tomatoes are among several varieties that have been specifically bred for containers. In fact, they are supposed to be ideal for containers of about five gallons in capacity. But every one of the plants that I had this year seemed to want to burst out of their container and find more room. I guess the people who said they were ideal for small containers must have been using the Texas definition of small! Or maybe my seeds were from some mutant strain of this variety that insists on trying to grow as large as their beefsteak cousins. Next year I'll know better and err on the side of large when it comes to containers.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunrise, Sunset
Once again I planted sunflowers which bloomed beautifully(Yeah!). And once again the squirrels turned them into lunch before seeds had a chance to fully develop(Boo! Hiss!). The good news is that I still have plenty of seeds from previous seasons that I can use next year. And while they were lunching on my sunflowers, they left my tomatoes alone. So as they say, you win some, you lose some.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Almost Too Good Looking To Eat
The palate of colors in this Valentine lettuce is magnificent. And so is its flavor on your palate. I've also noticed that when I eat a salad made with its leaves, it fills me up without slowing me down, an added bonus that was most unexpected.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
3000 Years And Still Going Strong
That number is no typo. Humans started cultivating and domesticating cabbages from the wild somewhere around 1000 B.C. And they have been hooked ever since. I haven't reached my first millenium of experience growing them yet, and I have only grown them in containers; but I can certainly say they are worth the modest effort I have to put forth for them. They are a cool weather crop that loves the spring and fall of NWI. And cabbages are like goldfish. They grow to the size of the space available to them. I just harvested a cabbage grown in one the smallest containers I've ever used, about one gallon. The head was the size of a large fist, but when sliced it provided more than enough for a nice pot of cabbage and sausage soup. The old proveb is certainly true, "Big things come in small packages." And often tasty things do as well.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Ah, Roma!
While I am tempted to wax poetic concerning the Eternal City, the title refers not to the home of the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain or gelato. This is after all harvest season. No, we shall speak of the egg shaped, meaty tomatoes now ripening in my garden. They are coming into their own and I am tempted to try canning some homemade pasta sauce or perhaps some salsa. In any case, they are great on sandwiches and in salads just like their beefsteak cousins and I have enjoyed every bite. If you have the chance, pick up some from fresh from a local farmer's market. You won't regret it. Mangia! Mangia!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
To Your Health
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Minnesota Midget Melons |
I've grown melons for several years now simply because they taste better fresh from the garden than anything you can get from a store. This year there was an extra benefit.They were also more safe. There was a Salmonila outbreak that was traced to several melon farms including one here in Indiana. However, there was no need for me to worry if mine were contaminated. So try your hand at growing your own. You'll get more flavor, more nutrition and greater peace of mind.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Waste Not Want Not
These past few months have been strange to say the least. A winter with hardly any snow and almost none of the usual extreme cold characteristic of this part of the country gave way to a spring that couldn't seem to make up its mind if it wanted to warm up enough to allow for planting. Then, when the warmth came, it was followed by a late hard frost that killed off most of the blossoms on the fruit trees. So if you see the price of apples, cherries and other arborial fruits going sky high, you'll know why. Eventually, the warmth did come to stay, with a vengeance. We almost matched the all time record for number of days above 90 degrees in one summer. But the heat has been great for my pepper plants. And now they are in all their glory. This beauty was harvested from a plant grown from seeds I saved from a pepper I purchased from the supermarket last winter. Fresh off the plant it was fragrant, juicy, flavorful and made a great addition to my homemade soup. I'll be saving seeds from this pepper to grow next year. Hopefully, the plants will give more juicy treasures like the one pictured above. Mother Nature just keeps on giving and we should never waste her gifts.
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