Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Believe it or not, October 17th is National Pasta Day in the U.S. Now you don't have to be an expert on Italian cuisine to know that there are any number of things that can easily be grown in a garden or even in containers large and small that can be used in the almost endless variety of dishes that can be made using this versatile ingredient. I mean, just look at the photo below. 

O.K., so you can't grow cheese or olive oil in the garden, but you get the idea. From pasta primavera to lasagna, there are many things that can be produced by even a small garden that will add fresh flavor to many pasta dishes. And if you like garlic, now is the time to plant it so that you'll have a fresh supply for next year. Just make sure you plant it before the ground freezes. A sunny location with rich soil is best. Plant the cloves root side down four to six inches apart at a depth of one to two inches in rows one and a half to two feet apart. And in Northern areas six inches of mulch should be used for protection against the winter's cold.

You can even grow garlic indoors. Use pots that are at least six inches deep along with a good potting mix. And if you wish to plant more than one clove in a single pot, make sure that it is wide enough to allow at least four inches of separation between the cloves. Of course, a sunny, south facing window is preferred. Only light watering is required.


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