Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Keeping Mosquitos At Bay

If you have no idea what yellow fever is, you can thank Dr. Walter Reed who was born 166 years ago on this day and discovered in 1901 that this deadly disease was carried by mosquitoes. As a result of his work and the brave volunteers who worked with him, what had been a scourge for generations was eliminated. And if you'd like to keep mosquitoes away from your house and the area around it, Mother Nature has provided a variety of plants which mosquitoes don't like that can easily be grown in containers or in the ground.

Rosemary, basil and lavender all have scents that keep mosquitoes away. And even catnip can be an effective deterrent. Although since it is a mint, it might be best to grow it only in a container since it can be very invasive.

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