Monday, September 18, 2017

Some Things To Do In The Vegetable Garden In September

  • Keep harvesting crops. If you have a glut of fruit and veggies try freezing, drying, freeze drying, pickling, and storing so that you can enjoy them later on. 
  • Pull or cut off the foliage of main crop potatoes at ground level 3 weeks before lifting them to prevent blight spores infecting the tubers as you lift them. This will also help to firm the skins of the potatoes. 
  • Spread newly dug potatoes out to dry for a few hours before storing them in in a cool, dry,  dark place. Paper or hessian sacks are best for this as they will allow the crop to breathe while it is in storage. Only store undamaged, disease free potatoes - one rotten tuber can ruin your whole crop!
  • It will help your pumpkins ripen in time for Halloween if you remove any leaves which shadow the fruits.
  • Place pumpkins and squash on a piece of slate or wood to raise them off wet soil and prevent rotting.
  • Start the autumn cleanup. Remove any old crops that have finished and clear away weeds to leave your plot clean and tidy for the winter.
  • Make cuttings from herbs so you can start them rooting in water and pot them up later for overwintering on your window sills.
  • The end of this month is the perfect time to start planting garlic bulbs for next year's crop.
  • Start planting autumn onion sets.

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